segunda-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2010

Upcoming Cars in 2011 Audi A8 with Specification And Prices

Upcoming Cars in 2011 Audi A8 with Specification And Prices With Reviews and images

Now Our Cars News blog updated some news For Audi A8 Audi has launched the next generation Audi A8 – in the luxury sport sedan class brand new standard. Direct style of an elegant body with Audi Space Frame (ASF) is a strong aluminum engine and very efficient, and transmission of energy and dynamic performance combined with comfort. New ship designed generously luxurious interior captivates with equipment, recently developed MMI control system.
2011 Audi A82011 Audi A82011 Audi A8

The 2011 Audi A8 was introduced a little differently: Audi rented an art gallery in a nearby city and sent the cars, chauffeured, to each journalist’s house. We were chauffeured to a product presentation, then back home. With the car left for a week of driving on familiar roads.

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